WARNING: This is going to be a long essay.

2011; like every other year has its own joys and regrets.

I had an awesome year. I got what I wanted and I thank Allah for that. WELL, not exactly all... Need highlights?
  1. I got into ze' medical school. Yes of course I still can't get over the fact that it wasn't really my choice but hey it's good.
  2. I met some long-lost friends.
  3. I make more friends. I think.
  4. A supreme visit to ze' USS!
  5. Awesome awesome job being an LO.
  6. There was a period when I learned the meaning of being at the bottom of life.
  7. Some changes.
  8. Losing weight and gaining them :\
  9. Screwing up and doing it more.
  10. I got ze' SCHOLARSHIP!
  11. Being a chicken and ze' slave.
  12. A lot of chasings took place.
  13. I got my licence BUT le me isn't allowed to drive.
  14. Bad, bad PMS.
  15. THE GREATEST ASASI year. EVER. Bet everyone's jealous of that :P
If I could turn back time I'd choose to relive the days I spent being worry-free, do careless, reckless things and live it like any normal teenagers would. All without the overwhelmed expectations or purposes.
    And I cant tell if there's actually more of the good over the bad; or vice versa. I learned to lie, be stupid, be smart, be witty, happy. All worth a life :) I'm already missing.

    You and everything else, carved in a journal of journey 2011. Thank you for teaching me so much of love and gratefulness.
    It stays a story only I know.

    Dear 2012;

    make me hold on to good things to pull me through. I hope I live long enough to see 2013.


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