Marrying early?

There's  a saying that goes:

Women wont stop worrying until they get married.

And on the contrary:

Men will start worrying after they marry.

C'est la vie.

My mum--

She's that one sensitive woman when I touch on this.

"What're you thinking wanting to marry early?
You know ah men these days are after your money...
They only wanna sleep with you and run off..."
Bla bla bla.

I respect her.

She marries dad pretty early.

No bashing please.

Those young days eh?

If possible (this comes with a warning);

Mum: Mama mok kitak nikah umo 28.

My jaw dropped.

Dad backed her up.

My face dropped.

But just yesterday;

she was saying about my aunt.

Mum: Usu kitak dah lanjut dah umo. Baruk mok kawen.


It's not really what the locals think;

how teens are already worrying about this matter.

Reminder: This is not a form of desperation.

It's becoming everyone's concern now ain't it?


No offense is ever intended.

I made it clear. Period.

Well, I just wanna marry.

Not too early, not ever too late.

I leave the rest to God to decide.

He knows what's best.

Yeah having a job is still my priority.

Studying too.

Who can ever stay single for the rest of their life?

I give you 10 years to answer me that.


  1. In fact, none of us could survive his/her life without partner...(except for those who was born in other planet, I think - of course that person would like to live alone). But since this matter is our destiny, the thing that we can't predict what will be it is, so we just let Allah to decide for us...

    haha...your jaw is dropped? I could imagine that... The 'incident' that might happen to me as well if someone push me with that command (to marry early..) ~ haiya~

  2. hahahah. i've lived around ppl who hasnt got married. the trauma's there? yes indeed it is up to only one God to decide. He definitely knows what's best.

    Behind every successful woman stands a man.


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