My Daddy

Dad's birthday's next week!
AH! I almost forgot.

And so Dad's the Great Man.

This is the man who claimed that he--

gave birth to me.

This very man gave up changing my diapers;

says women are difficult to handle,

when I was a mere baby.

He's a man of his forties.

Forty years old -- to be exact.

Yet he forgets like a sixty.

When asked, he'll proudly tells the world:

I'm 45 years old.


Should I go on with the details?

There were times,

when asked to send me to school,

he starts his morning lectures.

He talks endlessly...

without realizing he drove past my school.

St Mary's big enough to notice.

So he takes a double route.

When he got me off from school,

again that afternoon lecture begins.

At some point, he stops.

Hmmm, I think it was a bit too late.

We're already at his office.

When he looked back:

Oh sayang! Abah lupak kitak di belakang!

Who was he talking to the whole time?


He forgets his children grows.

When listing our ages for my siblings' school form;

he got all of our ages wrong.

In conclusion,

he's a one forgetful man.

Recently he talks a lot about the future.

Few weeks back he told me:

Kitak patut jadi polis. Polis makan orang.

Just last week he told me:

Kitak patut jadi doktor. Dapat ubat abah.

He said that while roaming his hands on his tummy.

Then again he says:

Kitak patut jadi ahli forensik. Mala jak nangga CSI.

It's funny how he wants me to be everything.

His statement changes according to time.

If there's one thing he's so sure of;

he wont want me marrying early.

He says: Abah belom dapat lepaskan anak abah.

I was touched :'(

There's never a moment he was not naughty.

That-- I don't think I should go the details.

Wait! One proof?

One day my tuition teacher called home.

Dad answered her.

Obviously looking for me,

he told her:

Syazana tengah berak.

That's a lie.

Well, that's about it.

That's my Dad.

I'm gonna make him a one proud man.

One happy man.


Your daughter.


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