Daddy and Gifts

My dad has quite an issue buying gifts.

My sister and I are experimental.

Well, it's likely me.

When he's outstation;

he'd bring at least something home.

Something for me is hardly right.

"Daddy why does this jeans look manly?"
"Where got. It's unisex. Ask your mum."

Except the label says it's male's.

I can't blame him.

He doesn't want tight garments on me.


The same goes to the jersey he bought me.


XXL. Obviously male's.


Better than nothing.

Last night he asked:

"Sayang, mok abah beli apa?"
"Blackberry smartphone!"
"Okay abah beli buku teks. Ya abah sayang kitak."

Outta questions.

He shouldn't even asked me.



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