Ten years from now

Have you ever wondered about what happens ten years from now?

Will you fall in love?
Will you finally be noticed?
Will you be a good employee?
Will you earn well?

I'd leave out the latter two.
Clashes with the theme y'know.

For 21 years of my life, most things seem to stay the same.
I'm still as invisible as I was.

I like home.
I love my room.
I like things the way they are;
my books at the side of the table,
my clothes being everywhere,
my undergarments in place (not that it mattered).

These little things (nope this isn't 1D) make you feel somewhat familiar.
For the same reason, you find it difficult to adjust with the slightest change.
It all depends on how well you take it.

Ten years from now;
you'd wonder who first made you giddy inside,
who first held your hands,
whoever made you think about them around the clock,
whoever broke your heart.

You'd prolly laugh or cry or both;
frustrated or happy that things happened the way it's supposed to.
You'd prolly regret too;
trying to forget those things you weren't so fond about
in order to make a "clean record" in life.

Ten years from now;
I'd want the same hands I hold today,
the same face I see today,
the comfort,
the fights,
the whole familiarity he offers.

It's not easy starting with someone new,
cause it also means a new kind of heartbreak,
a whole different life.

Would he speak the way you spoke?
Would he hold the way you held?
Would he love as you once felt for me?

You told me once and I remembered;
if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

There's a reason why you fold your clothes the same way,
and not change it so often.
Unless you're a guy who dumps them into your cupboard.
You guys are so not deep at all.
Not cool.

Ten years from now;
what would you say?
Would you get down on your knees,
or would you watch me walk away?

I want you to know;
you had me from the very start.

Come back and read this,
when you're halfway losing me.


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